Monday, August 9, 2010


Brendon came inside one day with "something interesting." Normally when he says that he has some sort of deadly insect in his hands. With that said, I was bracing myself to be completely and utterly grossed out, but luckily it was just a harmless little chrysalis. We decided to put it in a bottle and see if it would eventually emerge as a butterfly. I wasn't expecting it to live since as a kid I never had success with the caterpillars or cocoons I would get in those little boxes from school on Earth Day. I especially didn't have high hopes since the bottle it was in got knocked over several times, but to my surprise there was a little butterfly in it this morning. Kent really like the "bu-fly," but I think that he found the stick that the chrysalis was on a whole lot more interesting. That might have partly been because I wouldn't let him pull the wings off of it, which made the "bu-fly" slightly less fun.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Countdown

I can't believe that we only have about 2 1/2 weeks until our little girl comes. We are pretty excited about it despite the fact that we are not ready at all. Well...I guess we are a little more prepared for her than we were with Kent so I shouldn't complain too much. :)

By the way, if you haven't already heard Brendon passed his board exams and is now working in the Dental Clinic at OSU. So far he has done some fillings and a bunch of D&Ts (diagnose and treatment). If anyone is willing to let him "practice" on you he would be more than happy to.

Monday, May 31, 2010


On a typical day...or let's face it because it's really everyday, Kent will run up to the window or backdoor and beg me:
"Outside? Side?? Shoes! Where did shoes go? Outside?"
He LOVES to play outside, and I have to admit that I love that he loves to play outside (except when it's raining or when I'm trying to get something done in the house). Anyway, I thought that I'd share with you some of his favorite things to do in our backyard.

Like every little boy, he loves to play with balls.

He likes to try to mount the tricycle...

but he can't really reach the pedals, so he normally just sits on it.

He likes to run around with rocks...

and sticks.

Then he likes to use the sticks (or rocks) to hack the bark off of our tree.

I know when he starts to get tuckered out (which honestly rarely happens) when he lies down on the slide. He also has this hideous blue car that he likes to sit in...well he sits in it and expects me to push him around in it. It's probably his favorite thing to do outside (besides digging in the dirt), and it is one of my least favorite things (besides digging in the dirt) that he likes now that my belly is looking more like a basketball and I'm finding it harder to bend over to push him around.

Saturday, April 10, 2010


We had a wonderful Easter this year, particularly because it was the first time that we were able to spend it with family. I guess technically I got to spend it with some family last year, but since Brendon wasn't there it doesn't really count. :)
Kent had a wonderful time...especially since my mom spoiled him rotten. The fact that his aunts and uncle gave him TONS of candy didn't help with the spoiling either. His new favorite word is "treat." I have to admit that I had more than my fair share of Easter candy as well. Why do chocolate eggs have to taste so good?

Kent had a good time looking for Easter eggs, but I think his favorite part was dumping them out of his basket and running through them.

Although Kent looks terrified in this picture...

He absolutely LOVES slides. It was a good thing he had Aubrey and Brianne there to help him out.

It's funny because Kent loves dogs, but at the same time I think that he is a little scared of them. Most of the time he would just look at my parent's dog point and say, "Wow, what's that? Doggie! Soft!"

The boys found a real "Tarzan vine" that was strong enough to hold Brendon and my brother, Nathan. I wish that I had gotten a picture of the whole vine because it was LONG.

Anyway, it was a nice and relaxing weekend and I especially liked that we got to watch conference together. We always have a good time with family and I definitely think that we should go down there and visit more often.

By the way, if you haven't already heard we are going to have a baby girl this summer! We finally decided on Aislynn, so now we need to think of a middle name. Any suggestions?

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's been a while...

So I think that I am officially the WORST at updating my blog. Whenever something exciting or "blog worthy" happens in our lives I think, "I should take a picture and blog about that" and it just stops there and unfortunately I just do a lot of thinking and not a lot of doing. *Sigh*
I feel like I have been a horrible mom since I haven't taken the camera out of the closet in a while to document Kent's life. But at the same time, I don't think I can be too hard on myself if there is a slight void of photographs for a couple of months. With the weather being so crummy (along with my immune system) I guess I have a good excuse. Hopefully since the sun is finally shinning and with Easter coming up this weekend I will have some new photos of that darling little boy of mine to show off.
Oh...speaking of little darlings, I have my ultra sound this Thursday so hopefully we can finally stop calling the baby "it." We are thinking of Aislynn or Cosette if its a girl and Liam or Leif if it is a boy. Let me know what you think.

On a completely different note, I decided that I need to do some sort of illustrating every now and then. I whipped up these two little drawings (inspired by the month of March) and I'm not sure that I like them at all...I know for a fact that the lion drives Brendon (and me) crazy, but I got sick of working on it so here it is whether you like of or not...