On a typical day...or let's face it because it's really everyday, Kent will run up to the window or backdoor and beg me:
"Outside? Side?? Shoes! Where did shoes go? Outside?"
He LOVES to play outside, and I have to admit that I love that he loves to play outside (except when it's raining or when I'm trying to get something done in the house). Anyway, I thought that I'd share with you some of his favorite things to do in our backyard.

"Outside? Side?? Shoes! Where did shoes go? Outside?"
He LOVES to play outside, and I have to admit that I love that he loves to play outside (except when it's raining or when I'm trying to get something done in the house). Anyway, I thought that I'd share with you some of his favorite things to do in our backyard.

Like every little boy, he loves to play with balls.

He likes to try to mount the tricycle...

but he can't really reach the pedals, so he normally just sits on it.

He likes to run around with rocks...

and sticks.

Then he likes to use the sticks (or rocks) to hack the bark off of our tree.

I know when he starts to get tuckered out (which honestly rarely happens) when he lies down on the slide. He also has this hideous blue car that he likes to sit in...well he sits in it and expects me to push him around in it. It's probably his favorite thing to do outside (besides digging in the dirt), and it is one of my least favorite things (besides digging in the dirt) that he likes now that my belly is looking more like a basketball and I'm finding it harder to bend over to push him around.
I remember when you first moved into that house that having a swing set seemed nice, but it would be such a long time before Kent would be able use it. My time flies.
That's such an adorable blog post. Kent is growing up so fast! Too bad we don't live on the east coast anymore; it would be fun to visit you guys again.
The pictures are just awesome! We'll definitely have you take our pictures again. I love his little soccer onesie, and how he's in front of the soccer ball in one of the pictures and the ball is still in the air. So cool. At any rate, this is totally the Kent I've come to know. So cute!
Those pictures are adorable!!! What an energetic little guy.
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