I feel like I have been a horrible mom since I haven't taken the camera out of the closet in a while to document Kent's life. But at the same time, I don't think I can be too hard on myself if there is a slight void of photographs for a couple of months. With the weather being so crummy (along with my immune system) I guess I have a good excuse. Hopefully since the sun is finally shinning and with Easter coming up this weekend I will have some new photos of that darling little boy of mine to show off.
Oh...speaking of little darlings, I have my ultra sound this Thursday so hopefully we can finally stop calling the baby "it." We are thinking of Aislynn or Cosette if its a girl and Liam or Leif if it is a boy. Let me know what you think.
On a completely different note, I decided that I need to do some sort of illustrating every now and then. I whipped up these two little drawings (inspired by the month of March) and I'm not sure that I like them at all...I know for a fact that the lion drives Brendon (and me) crazy, but I got sick of working on it so here it is whether you like of or not...

I like all the names, especially Leif. What's wrong with the lion. I think it's cute.
I actually cropped out half of the lion because the back leg drove Brendon crazy (He is the animal anatomy expert due to the volume of Zoobooks he has carefully studied). I just don't like how I painted the mane.
I think Aislynn is cool and so is Cosette. I'd probably go for Cosette (since I think any name ending in lyn is so trendy right now). I also like Leif a lot!
You are such a good artist, those illustrations are adorable! I love the elephant you drew for Caleb. You're so talented!
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