In an attempt to be a bit more domestic, I knitted Kent a hat. My grandma Wilde (who is a master when it comes to knitting) would be so ashamed of me because it was an absolute failure. My first mistake was to use a loom...I was just so overwhelmed with the 10,000 different kinds of needles at the store that I opted for what I thought would have been the easiest. It was pretty easy, but I didn't consider that I needed to get a thicker yarn so there are huge gaps between all the stitches. I also didn't measure Kent's head before I made it so it was much to short him. *Sigh* I am so embarrassed about it that I would never let him wear it in public, but he LOVES to wear it around the house. At first I thought his fascination with it was because he knew that I made it for him which made it special, but at lunch the other day Brendon was wearing a hat and Kent got so exited about it and stole it from him. He thought he was the coolest kid around with his dad's hat on. I don't know why but he has had the biggest thing for them lately...I think it's quite cute!
Today Brendon came home early from school, which never happens because normally he will stay at the school and study all day if he happens to get done early. I was so relieved to have him home because Kent has been kind of a handful lately since he is throwing tantrums and resisting naps. The lack of sleep makes him more grumpy and even more prone to throw a fit. Brendon was so sweet and tried to put Kent down for a nap for me, but after 15 minuets of crying/talking to himself I figured that he wasn't quite ready to go down so I went up to check on him. As I was going up the stairs I smelled something really really rancid. I was kind of upset because we just broke down and bought a diaper genie. (I decided that I didn't want his room to stink and I'm much to lazy to throw every poopy diaper outside in the dumpster since it is such a hassle.) So just as I was starting to think that the diaper genie was the absolute worst purchase of my life I walked into his room to see this:
When Brendon changed Kent's diaper he forgot to put his pants back on. Of course, Kent took his diaper off after Brendon left the room, pooped, and then smeared it all over his crib. It was so disgusting...I had to take a picture. If that wasn't gross enough, imagine sucking on this bad boy...
Mmm, mmm!!
Anyway, now that I have throughly grossed everyone out I just wanted to say that I'm so proud of Brendon because he helped me clean it up with out complaining. Before we had kids he told me that he wouldn't help clean any poop messes because they make him sick. We had many arguments about the matter, and he was determined to leave all the poop and throw up for me. I'm so glad that when it came down to it he pitched in and helped. I guess he just needed a kid to toughen that gag reflex of his up.
Kent and I went to the "Boo at the Zoo" with some friends yesterday. His favorite thing by far was the toddler maze.
There was a nice little path that I thought was PERFECT for taking pictures, but of course, Kent was more interested in the crunchy leaves and the broken fence than smiling for mommy. I can't say that I blame him...I still like getting a good crunch out of the leaves.
Ok, so this is a little late since he turned one more than two weeks ago. It still seems kind of surreal to me that we now have a toddler on our hands. He is walking everywhere and getting into everything. His vocabulary is growing also. He has calmed down a bit with saying "what's that?" Right now his favorite words are "uh-oh" and "vacuum." I thought it would be so cute to let him eat his own piece of pie on his birthday. Seriously, what is cuter than a chubby baby face covered in food? I just didn't think about the mess I would be left with when I gave it to him.
Please take note of how he is sitting in this picture. We like to call it the "frog stance."
The Saturday after his birthday we had a little party for him since my parents came up to visit. I was feeling a little ambitious, so I made a turtle cake. It was my first time making fondant so it definitely was far from perfect, but it was fun and not as intimidating as I originally thought it would be.
Luckily for me he wasn't sure about the fondant so I had less of a mess to clean up afterwards.
If any of you know Brendon and me very well, then you know that we are HORRIBLE when it comes to phone calls, returning emails, blogging, and the list goes on. I guess we have a problem with communication in general. We are going to try to be better...or at least I am. Brendon has a pretty good excuse for the lack of communication because he has been studying like a mad man this semester. You see how he is crouched over reading in the picture? Well, that is how he looks all the time. As for me, I don't have much of an excuse since I'm home all the time. It's not like I'm sitting on my bum eating bon bons all the time...Kent definitely keeps me busy. I feel like I'm cleaning up his messes, changing his diapers, and fishing objects out of his mouth all the time. No matter how clean I keep the house that kid somehow ends up finding something to stick in his mouth to plug up his little throat. Just today he choked on a milk cap, threw up everywhere, and then cried after I took it away. I don't understand his fascination with putting small objects in his mouth, but I hope it ends soon.